Friday, 31 July 2009

Get the book - Lose the phobia!

Here they are as promised, details of how to get my book that will help you overcome your phobia. The book is called "Stress Free Dentistry. The easy way to overcome your fear of going to the dentist". Although it is obviously aimed at those with a phobia of the dentist by using the techniques described in the book you should be able to overcome any phobia. The first part of the book is about my own phobia of going to the dentist and how, having broken a front tooth, I had no choice but to overcome it.

The book then goes on to detail how I did it and gives step-by-step instructions for how you can overcome your own phobia. To purchase a copy of the book, either in hard copy or as a download, just go to and put "Stress Free Dentistry" into search.

Remember, I am a qualified and experienced therapist so the techniques I describe are very powerful and effective. So go on, get the book and lose the phobia. Good luck!

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