Saturday, 12 September 2009

Seven Success Tips.

I said in a previous post that I would be publishing some articles on personal development/self-help. As promised, here is the first of them.

Every day it seems that life can get that little bit tougher. The faster pace of modern life with its increasing reliance on more and more technology can be difficault to keep up with. Sadly some people fall by the wayside and end up using excess alcohol or drugs in order to cope or end up with a stress related illness. The field of self-help is now massive with hundreds of books, magazines, CD's and DVD's available. The reason for this is that it works! There will always be people who knock the field of self-help but the old adage is true, "If you want a job done right do it yourself!" Whilst there are plenty of people out there who are trained to help you such as counsellors, psychotherapists and life coaches it all has to start with you. You are the one who has to take action and read the book, listen to the CD or make the appointment with the life coach or therapist. It is also you who has to do most of the work in order to truly succeed. Here are seven tips to help you along your way:

1. Have faith in yourself. This is very important You must have faith and belief in yourself that you have the ability to achieve your goals and your dreams. When you have faith and believe in yourself you release the strength to overcome the obstacles in life.

2. Recognize and develop your strengths. We are all totally unique individuals with our own strengths and abilities. Work on those strenths and develop them. Don't dwell on anything that you feel you lack in yourself. Work on your strengths, use them to the upmost and who knows where they might take you.

3. Judge yourself by your own opinions. People are often put down or depressed by a negative remark about them from someone else. Be proud of all your good qualities and judge yourself based on what you know about yourself. As long as you are good person being good to others as best you can then that's all that matters. Who are they to judge anyway? Nobody is perfect we are all doing the best we can with what we have.

4. Do the things you love to do. Spend as much time as possible doing the the things that you really enjoy. By this I mean preferably constructive things that increase your self-esteem and self-development. This kind of self-help will make you feel better and bring you closer to success.

5. Select your friends carefully. It really matters who you spend time with because people are either building you up or tearing you down so make sure you spend your time with good, positive people who encourage you in the good things you want to do and genuinely want you to be successful. Make sure you giving them back the same encouragement. As Brian Tracy says:
"If you want to soar with the Eagles, don't scratch around in the barnyard with the Turkeys!"

6. Have a mastermind group. It was Napoleon Hill, the Father of the field of personal development, who originated the idea of a mastermind group. Basically a mastermind group is a group of people/friends who come together on a regular basis to help each other achieve their goals. If you're in business this might include your accountant, solicitor, life coach and other business people with similar ambitions. All these people would work together to help each other succeed.

7. Think positively. Positive thoughts bring positive results. This is because the law of attraction says that like attracts like. Think positively about your goals and focus on them to bring your dreams into reality.

Whether you are a success in life will be mostly due to your own efforts. Life is too short to waste time. Take action NOW to achieve the life you dream of and good luck.

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